The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) was founded in 1971 through the integration of the Higher Technical Schools which up until then made up the Higher Technical Institutes. The University Schools joined the following year. However, the origin of the institution dates back much further. Teaching in the majority of the Centres was established during the reign of Carlos the Third in the eighteenth century. During these years the Schools were practically the only ones in our country linked to the teaching of Architecture and Engineering. At present it has several campus and the following schools: School of Architecture; ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Road, Canal and Port Engineering); School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering; School of Telecommunications Engineering; Faculty of Sciences for Physical Activity and Sport; School of Building; School of Aeronautics and Space Engineering; School of Forestry Engineering and Natural Resources; School of Agricultural, Food and Bio-systems Engineering; School of Industrial Engineering; School of Mining and Energy Engineering; School of Industrial Design and Engineering; School of Civil Engineering; School of Computing Engineering; School of Land Surveying, Geodesy and Mapping Engineering; School of Telecommunications and System Engineering; School of Computer Systems Engineering.